Neurology is the branch of medicine concerned with the study and treatment of disorders of the nervous system. The nervous system is a complex, sophisticated system that regulates and coordinates body activities. ... Central nervous system: the brain and spinal cord.
A child or pediatric, neurologist specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of neurologic disorders in children from the neonatal period through adolescence. Some of the conditions overlap with those seen by adult neurologists, and others are unique to this younger population. Child neurologists treat many of the same common conditions found in adults such as migraine, epilepsy, stroke, and Tourette’s and are also trained in conditions related to neurogenetics and developmental problems.
Neurologists are specialists who treat diseases of the brain and spinal cord, peripheral nerves and muscles. Neurological conditions include epilepsy, stroke, multiple sclerosis (MS) and Parkinson's disease.
Here are six common neurological disorders and ways to identify each one.
- Headaches
- Epilepsy and Seizures
- Stroke
- ALS: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
- Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia
- Parkinson's Disease